A Blog made by a gamer, for gamers, and for ppl who want to read interesting news.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
VHEMT was founded in 1991 by a sic man named Les U. Knight, an activist who became involved in the environmental movement in the 1970s and thereafter concluded that human extinction was the best solution to the problems facing the Earth's biosphere and humanity. He is 1 of the persons that dose not believe in human kind. Knight publishes the group's newsletter and serves as its spokesperson. Although the group is promoted by a website and represented at some environmental events, it relies heavily on coverage from outside media to spread its message. Or maybe he wanted to be in the center of atention. Many commentators view its platform as unacceptably extreme, though other writers have applauded VHEMT's perspective. In response to VHEMT, some journalists and academics have argued that humans can develop sustainable lifestyles or can reduce their population to sustainable levels. Others maintain that, whatever the merits of the idea, because of the human reproductive drive mankind will never voluntarily seek extinction.
When i saw that such a group existed i could not believe it, so i had to write about it.
Have fun all.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
A nothere games closes and makes room for Diablo 3 Online!
I could not help but to think evry ending is a new beginning. So I managed to cheer myself up, watching a Diablo 3 in beta 20min preview. I was amased to see all the aspects of Diablo 3 beeing improved. Skills are beter in Diablo 3 then in diablo 2. Game play is made more fun in Diablo 3 then in Diablo 2. It is easyer to pic up gold in Diablo 3. Monsters look beter in Diablo 3. Story in Diablo 3 is a nice continuation of the story of Diablo 2. Diablo 3 of course will also be played online! That is a great aspect. It took a while from Diablo 2 release till it was playable online. Diablo 3 will also be a friendly game where u fight togethere, and join forces to achieve greatness. About pvp on Diablo 3 site u can find: ''While Diablo III is designed primarily for cooperative multiplayer, we are building in support for competitive player-vs.-player gameplay as well. We’re focusing on team-based PvP in an arena setting, and we are being careful to avoid PvP features that can easily lead to griefing, such as the ability to go hostile at will. We also plan to integrate Battle.net’s matchmaking system, a progression-based ranking system, and more''. So yes i still think its gone be the best game released till now. Not only that but i went and found the best offer for the game, it comes from the bigest online reseler of course, and that is Amazon. So to offer u good quality I keep the Link on top of my blog from now on.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tokio in Tränen, aber was kann DE lernen?
Hamburg - Wenn der Atomunfall, der sich nach Erdbeben und Tsunami im japanischen Fukushima ereignete, in Deutschland passieren würde, würde der Katastrophenschutz kläglich versagen: Radioaktive Stoffe würden weit größere Räume verseuchen als bislang angenommen, und ganze Städte müssten evakuiert werden - dies sei "nicht in der Notfallplanung vorgesehen", heißt es nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in einer bislang unveröffentlichten Studie des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz (BfS). Die Fachleute des Bundesamts hatten verschiedene Atomunfälle simuliert. Sie kombinierten Wetterdaten aus dem Jahr 2010 für die Kernkraftwerke Philippsburg 2 und das mittlerweile stillgelegte AKW Unterweser mit Unfallverläufen, die denen in Japan vor einem Jahr ähneln. In Deutschland gingen Experten bislang davon aus, dass nur "über mehrere Stunden oder Tage" radioaktive Stoffe freigesetzt würden.
Das Kraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi blies dagegen mehrere Wochen lang Strahlenstoffe in die Umwelt. "Es ist ein völlig neues Szenario", sagt Wolfgang Weiss, Vorsitzender des Uno-Strahlenkommittees UNSCEAR.
Deutsche Grenzwerte sind um ein Vielfaches höher als in Japan. Die BfS-Forscher spielten Szenarien über jeweils 15, 25 oder 30 Tage durch. Dabei wurden große Gebiete verstrahlt, für die keine Evakuierungspläne existieren. Menschen bis zu 100 Kilometer vom AKW Philippsburg entfernt dürften ihre Häuser nicht mehr verlassen. In dem Szenario wechselten die Windrichtungen häufig, die Notfallmaßnahmen kämen daher schnell an ihre Grenzen. Die Studie verdeutlicht auch ein grundsätzliches Problem: In deutschen Notfallplänen gelten sogenannte Eingreifrichtwerte - wenn sie überschritten werden, muss der Staat handeln. Diese Grenzwerte sind um ein Vielfaches höher als die Grenzwerte, welche die japanischen Behörden anwandten. Kritiker monieren, das Bundesumweltministerium habe die Ergebnisse seit vergangenem Jahr unter Verschluss gehalten. Das Ministerium bestreitet das; die "Annahmen, die der Studie zugrunde liegen", würden nun geprüft, die Studie selbst werde später veröffentlicht, heißt es in einer Stellungnahme des Ministeriums.
Und die wissen das UND WAS MACHEN SIE?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Virtconomics I recommend becouse I like Virtconomics
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Late night eating, YES OR NO?
It's commonly believed that it's better to eat more earlier in the day and less later in the day; eating late can supposedly interfere with fat loss and/or cause unwanted weight gain. In a nutshell, this myth is summed up by the saying that you should "eat breakfast like a king, lunch a queen, dinner like a pauper." You will often find proponents of broscience clinging to the notion that carbs somehow become more fattening after 6 P.M. This is nonsense of course. But the facts are actually more interesting than what I've previously stated; in controlled studies, late eating patterns are superior for fat loss and body composition. One pressing question first: Why is the late night eating myth still around if there are studies showing the exact opposite..? "Is it ok to eat dinner 1-2h before bedtime? Note that every damn meat eating mammal goes to sleep after consuming massive amounts of food e.g lions, dogs, bears but apparently somewhere down the line, nutritionist´s came up with the conclusion that we somehow evolved. So it would be nice if someone came with some evidence that you shouldn´t eat before bed. I really don't understand why not, could you please explain?" Yes, how did nutritionists arrive at the conclusion that eating before bedtime is bad for you?
The late night eating myth is mainly another consequence of mistaking correlation for causation in dietary epidemiology. There are plenty of observational studies that have found a positive association between calories consumed in the evening and a higher BMI in the general population. This association is solely attributed to the fact that Average Joe's who like to eat more in the evening also consume more calories overall. In this study, it was deducted from food logs that late eaters consumed on average 248 calories more than the other group. Similar relationships are commonly found in other observational studies on meal patterns. People who skip breakfast, skip meals and eat late at night are on average fatter and worse off than people who eat breakfast, regular meals and eat less in the evening. This has nothing to do with meal timing per se, but the lifestyle that goes in hand with "dysregulated" eating habits. Meal pattern with omission of breakfast or breakfast and lunch was related to a clustering of less healthy lifestyle factors and food choice leading to a poorer nutrient intake. Late night eating is not only correlated to a higher calorie intake, but also less sleep time and more sedentary activities, i.e. watching TV and more time spent in front of the computer, which are additional confounders that can predispose people to weight gain. The imagined hazards of late night eating might also be the result of the scientific literature on shift-workers and metabolic health. Shift-workers are predisposed to a myriad of health disorders; obesity, poor mental health, cardiovascular disease, peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal problems (likely a result of chronic stress). The negative effects of shift-work on health is mainly the result of a compromised diet, sleep deprivation, and stress - these tend to go hand in hand. However, it's possible that feeding under conditions of a disrupted circadian rhythm and an irregular meal pattern is an independent factor in the predisposition towards poor health amongst shift-workers.
Humans can adapt to a wide variety of feeding regimens depending on the habitual meal pattern. This entrainment takes place on a cellular level and is regulated by ghrelin, a hormone that increases during meal times and prepare your metabolism to best handle a nutrient load. Similarly, the circadian rhythm - when you awake and go to sleep - is regulated by daylight and habitual sleep/wake-cycle, and adapts your metabolism accordingly. Simply put, your body expects a certain routine every day, depending on habitual diet patterns and sleep/wake cycles, and adjusts its hormonal profile and metabolism accordingly. If this pattern is haphazardly and constantly shifted back and forth, and never allowed to adapt, as is the case with many shift-workers - it's very possible that it would be an independent factor in predisposing people to disease and health disorders. The hormonal profile of shift-workers tend to be less favorable than non-shift workers, for example. It should be noted that permanent shift-workers, i.e. those who always work nights, or work nights on consecutive days, are better off than other shift workers, which is partly be explained by re-entraining the circadian rhythm; it seems that an "unpredictable" pattern, i.e. rotating day and night-shifts is the main culprit, as the circadian rhythm is constantly desynchronized. However, given the many confounders present amongst shift-workers, i.e. stress, sleep loss, calorie intake, it's hard to isolate which factor does what, i.e. is feeding during biological night worse than sleep deprivation, etc.
The aforementioned studies are of no interest to us. We are interested in controlled studies, not dietary epidemiology and observations in the general population. If you use dietary epidemiology to tell people how they should be eating you get this: The USDA Dinner Plate. When you use controlled studies to draw a conclusion, you get something that looks a little bit more like this. Throw some veggies in there and you're all set. Controlled studies answers questions like "I'm on a 2000 calorie diet. How will fat loss be impacted if I eat most of those calories in the later part of the day versus the earlier part of the day?" That's what interesting to us, so let's look into this now. In all of these studies, calories were controlled and fixed for all groups. The only variable that differed was the temporal daily distribution of calorie intake. In late meal patterns, 67-100% of total daily caloric intake was eaten between 6 PM and bed time, and this was compared against an early meal pattern with an opposite pattern. Starting with the earliest study and working myself down to the latest study, I'll briefly summarize the results, comment on the validity of the study, and interject whatever else of interest I find in each study. Note that I will not include studies on Ramadan fasting. In loosely controlled studies on Ramadan fasting, fat loss and improvements in health markers is commonly found. This is a paradoxical and interesting finding, simply for the fact that people eat in the middle of the night, shortly before bedtime, along with a concomitant increase in intake of sugary treats and baked goods (and sometimes total calorie intake). However, these are rarely calorie-controlled studies, i.e. participants do not have strict guidelines about what they should eat, which is why I will not include them in this review.
Study #1
Breakfast, 8-8.30 AM: 35% of total daily calorie intake
Weight training (circuit style), 9-9.30 AM
Lunch, 11-12 PM: 35%
Dinner, 4.30-5 PM: 15%
Evening snack, 8-8.30 PM: 15%
Study #4
Study #5
Background: This study was founded on the premise that the diurnal peak in leptin can be altered, as noted during the month of Ramadan. Previous studies have described a typical diurnal pattern of leptin secretion that falls during the day from 0800 to 1600 hours, reaching a nadir at 1300 hours and increases from 1600 with a zenith at 0100 hours. Ironically, this crucial hormone responsible for satiety is at its highest levels when individuals are sleeping. It was hypothesized that consumption of carbohydrates mostly in the evening would modify the typical diurnal pattern of leptin secretion as observed in Muslim populations during Ramadan. Simply put, the goal of this study was to see whether it was possible to shift leptin secretion to strategically induce greater satiety and diet adherence during the morning and noon of the next day, instead of having leptin peak during night time (as it does on a standard diet)....it was predicted that the diet would lead to higher relative concentrations of leptin starting 6–8 h later i.e., in the morning and throughout the day. This may lead to enhanced satiety during daylight hours and improve dietary adherence. Note that leptin displays significant latency in response to carbs; if you eat carbs before you go to sleep, you won't be experiencing the peak until you wake up in the morning (an added bonus is that you sleep good with some carbs pre-bedtime). This study also sought to examine the effect of the experimental diet on adiponectin.
Setup: Both groups received the same diet divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner and as three "snacks" (morning, afternoon, night):
1300-1500 kcal
45-50% carbs
30-35% fat
20% protein
Results: Both groups lost weight and saw improvements on several health markers, but group B lost more weight (-11 kg vs -9 kg), body fat (-7% vs -5%), stayed fuller and more satiety, and improved their hormonal profile more than group A:
Dietary epidemiology commonly find associations between certain meal patterns and higher BMI / body fatness. However, this association can solely be attributed to lifestyle-related factors and eating behaviors; snacking in front of the TV in the evening, making poor food choices in general, and so forth. People who eat more in the evening simply eat more calories, which explains why they weigh more. Calorie-controlled studies looking at the effects of distributing a fixed caloric load differently throughout the day are scarce; I have listed all of them above. These tell a much different story than the one found in dietary epidemiology. While short-term studies (15-18 days) do not find a statistically significant difference between early and late meal patterns, long-term studies (>12 weeks) show that late eating patterns produce superior results on fat loss, body composition and/or diet adherence. This might be explained by more favorable nutrient partitioning after meals due to hormonal modulation. I understand that these facts might be hard to swallow for some people, given everything we've heard about late night eating being bad, fattening, and so forth. But then again, we hear a lot of strange things in the fitness and health community. Rarely do these old wives' tales mix with reality; think of all the myths about fasting, alcohol and meal frequency, for example.
Monday, March 12, 2012
The miracle substance: monosodium glutamate
What is the name of the substance that makes it 3x as likey to get fat?
Alot of food products and so called low fat products, that are recomended as late night snack or as desert have a lot of chemicals in them, and a large number of those chemicals are adicting.
Monosodium glutamate is the best example. This chemical acording to a study made by the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill increases the probability that u would become fat, whitout changing the dayly calories intake or the physical effort.
UNC and Chinease researchers made a study on over 750 chinease man and women whit the age of 40 til 59 years, in 3 vilages from the north and south of china. Most of the ppl involved in the study were making there dinner at home, whitout industrial food and/or chemicals. For the study 82% of the ppl were given monosodium glutamate to use in there food. Also they were divided into 3 groups. The group which used the most monosodium glutamate had 3 times as much ppl whit overweight as normal. Monosodium glutamate is used as flavor intensifier in the most of the food products we find in the supermarkets. So it was hard to make a research on ppl. That is why a few chinease vilages were chosen, where they don’t use industrial products that contain also othere chemicals.
Very shortly explained, this means we should avoid eating anything that contains monosodium glutamate, so that we wont get fat. The best way to avoid monosodium glutamate is not to buy proccesed food products at all. Its hard I know, but its healthy! Anything that is fresh and not proccesed is great!
Or more detailed explenation:
Our large profit-driven food companies have found that manufactured free glutamic acid, in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, etc., etc., when added to our processed foods, masks off flavors and makes the blandest and cheapest foods taste wonderful. The story is fascinating. For thousands of years kombu and other seaweeds have been added to foods in Japan to enhance flavor. In 1908 a Japanese scientist discovered that the active ingredient in kombu is glutamic acid and then the use of its sodium salt, monosodium glutamate, began in Japan. During the Second World War American quartermasters realized that Japanese army rations tasted great. Following the war, they introduced monosodium glutamate, the flavor enhancing ingredient in the Japanese rations, to the food industry; and the world-wide use of processed free glutamic acid began to explode. Since free glutamic acid is cheap and since its neurotoxic nerve stimulation enhances so wonderfully the flavor of basically bland and tasteless foods, such as many low-fat and vegetarian foods, manufacturers are eager to go on using it and do not want the public to realize any of the problems. An excellent NOHA lecture on the dangers and hidden sources of processed free glutamic acid was given at Evanston’s Whole Foods Market on February 14, 2000, by NOHA Board Member Jack Samuels. He is president of the Truth in Labeling Campaign.
Glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter that excites our neurons (not just in our tongues). This electrical charging of neurons is what makes foods with added free glutamic acid taste so good. Unfortunately, the free glutamic acid can cause problems in many people. Actually, our brains have many receptors for glutamic acid and some areas, such as the hypothalamus,1 do not have an impermeable blood-brain barrier, so free glutamic acid from food sources can get into the brain, injuring and sometimes killing neurons. At least 25 per cent of the U.S. population react to free glutamic acid from food sources. Today, we recognize that those reactions range from mild and transitory to debilitating and life threatening. Please see Table 1.
. . . free glutamic acid from food sources can get into the brain, injuring and sometimes killing neurons
Glutamic acid is widely distributed in proteins. When we eat it bound as part of whole, unprocessed proteins, it helps nourish us as it has for millennia. Glutamic acid bound as part of whole, unprocessed protein does not cause problems in people who react to the free glutamic acid in manufactured food, where it is hidden in ingredients with about 40 different names.
Monosodium glutamate and other forms of free glutamic acid can be manufactured cheaply and sometimes it is even just a byproduct of other food processes. For example, the brewer’s yeast from the brewing industry contains free glutamic acid. Since free glutamic acid is cheap and since its neurotoxic nerve stimulation enhances so wonderfully the flavor of basically bland and tasteless foods, such as many low-fat and vegetarian foods, manufacturers are eager to go on using it and do not want the public to realize any of the problems. In 1999 in an article in a peer-reviewed journal, NOHA Board Member Adrienne Samuels, PhD, wrote a history of the many deceptions used by those manufacturers, "The Toxicity/Safety of Processed Free Glutamic Acid (MSG): A Study in Suppression of Information."2 She points out "how easily truth can be hidden and how seemingly isolated incidents actually can be badly flawed research, direct suppression of information, and dissemination of biased information orchestrated by one group or industry."
According to Dr. Samuels, the evidence of toxicity is overwhelming. Exposed laboratory animals suffer brain lesions and neuroendocrine disorders. Scientists studying retinal degeneration in mice treated with free glutamic acid have noted that these mice also became grotesquely obese following administration of free glutamic acid. The vulnerable hypothalamus in our brains regulates weight control, as well as other endocrine functions. When the brain is deluged with more free glutamic acid than it can handle, scientists know that problems and diseases can develop. For example, they know that a diverse number of disease conditions such as ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive degeneration of neurons and motor cells of the brain), Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, and stroke are associated with the glutamate cascade.
What we will be tomorow, starts today!
Friday, March 9, 2012
KONY 2012
Was man nicht kennt über Lebensmittel
Thursday, March 8, 2012
How to get the best Price on anything!!!
Are you ready to take a look at the best stuff available to buy? This guide will teach you where to obtain great bargains and the top brands that people are buying today.
Make a List of What you Desire In the beginning
The first consideration when buying a brand new item is to know what your objectives are and the most significant issues you’ll be looking at when looking. Is value the most important thing in a buying determination? A helpful tip is to write down your objectives on a piece of paper and list all that you wish to achieve by purchasing a brand new item. Rank them in order to see what is most important to you. This will really help when you start off searching and slimming down your options.
As you begin shopping you can check out various styles and evaluate what is available. The main feature you want are...? very important question
Looking at Ratings
If you make use of reviews over the internet you will see the highest rated items and why others are buying them. You can utilize this info at the start of or finish of your shopping search based on how much you know about the items u wane buy. Usually if a unit has a large number of positive ratings it is a decent sign that it is worth buying. You may exploit these assessments to enable you to achieve a final judgment when narrowing down your choices.
On-line vs Hometown Buying
You have a couple of choices when attempting to locate the finest deal for an item. To make the shopping process easier you must have a specific model in mind and if you have performed the research that has been suggested previously in the guide you should recognize which one you want to purchase. Start by searching on line for the model number with search phrases like ‘sale’ and ‘coupon’. You will get results returned that include the cheapest prices for the unit you are looking at. Now discuss with your neighborhood sports or wholesale shops, or othere shops to see if the value can be matched or beat. Frequently the web prices are much lower and additionally include free shipping which makes looking on the Web the right approach to get a superb sale.
I trust this article has been beneficial. With good research, you’ll be able to find a good bargain on any item u wane buy.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Bath in UK the forgoten wonder
Well I think its sad actualy, such a beatiful city, whit celtic, roman and saxon arhitectual influences. A town totaly made out of old arhitectual buildings that are in a magnificent stat. First picture is taken from the sky and on the right u can see the famouse royal crescent, that is shown in a panoramical view in the second Picture. The 3rd picture shows a perfect reconstruction of the roman baths. Now there u need to go to lurn history, not from a boring old book whit no pictures that some1 forces u to read. The last picture is Pulteney Bridge, and its made after Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy. There are hundreds of arhitectural magnificent buildings to see there. Almost each bulding there has its own wonderful history. The brige for example was used not only to cross the river but also as a shoping arcade. Just wonderful. So if u want some1 to start lurning abit about history take em to Bath in UK, they wont resist.... If u wane relax, there is the only natural hot springs in the UK, so u have to visit the magnificent Roman Baths temple and also the Thermae Bath Spa. There are so many great things there, and i think its just sad that it has so little publicity.
Hope u like this article and dont forget to have fun.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The games I recommend
So that beeing sed atm i play: http://www.anno1777.com/index.php?i=259888
The last 2 are relatively new on the market, i dont know if they will last, but i play them and i like them.
Thease are games that require u to put in only small amounts of time, but at certain hours... so its alot easyer to play them, instead of a full time game....
And to top that, if any1 registers whit a link i give, or like diablo3 buys from my link, i will help them whit advise the best i can, its my way of saying thank you.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Make money playing games!
Is it possible to make money just by playing games? How much money can u make playing online games? I have seen a lot of ppl ask these 2 questions, but why no1 asks: How much time dose it take to make money from online games? It's a mater of asking the right questions. U need to know what u are looking for, before u can find it. So yes u can make money from playing games, u can make 100$, 200$ up to a few thousand. Around the world there are ppl who make 200$ to 300$, while working very hard. U would think they should all start playing and stop working right? Well there are a few otherwise important things needed, I asked at the start how much time dose it take to make money playing? This is the important factor, my advise is to play games where u can be there from the start, becouse if u wane make cash u need to be in the top of that game. Why?? Simple, in the most games u can trade between players, and if u are a lot stronger u can make the items u need for urself and extra that u can sell. Here is the thing whit the time, u need to start at the beging I sed, second u need to play 8h a day and when there are special boosts, like a 30% to 100%, increase in drop or in exp rate, then comes the hard part, U NEED to play 20h from 24, becouse its a race, u need to get to the good stuff, BEFORE the others, so that u can sell it to the rest. To this imens need of time, u have to ad knowledge about the game u are playing, and u have to know english. This is what u mostly need, this is also the reason why not evry1can do it. But at the same time a considerable number of ppl started playing together, 2 of them on 1 acount, going to making a living out of playing online games. Most games do not allow u to sell the ingame items for real money, so the ppl that do so won't come out and just say, hey I make money from that .... game and my is is ....
Also if no1 knows u are making money, u can doge taxes.
I stoped playing games that don't allow u to make real life money from then. Why? I have moved to the next generation, that allows u to exchange game cash to real life money.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
For evry1 that wants to start working from home
Article is written by Melanie Brooks
The Top Myths About Working From Home
- Melanie Brooks |
- Commentary & Analysis
- | February 28th 2012
I found an article on startupsmart that I couldn’t resist reading and sharing with you. The story is about the top home-based business myths and I know you freelancers out there will be able to connect with at least one of these.
The Hours are Easy
PLEASE! If anything, the hours are harder than working for someone else at their office. When you work for yourself you have to not only do the primary job, you have to handle your own marketing, manage your own sales, handle your bookkeeping, answer the phones or spend money to hire people to do this for you. Many freelancers, especially those just starting out or dealing with a down economy, don’t have the funds to outsource, so all of these duties fall on their shoulders.Being organized takes a lot of time, leaving less time to do your actual job. Many freelancers who work from home don’t have time for a leisurely lunch, afternoon work out, or even time to throw in a load of laundry.
You Can Sit Back and Get Rich Quickly
Ask any freelancer and they will tell you they work hard for every penny they make. There are a lot of ads out there that tell you that you can earn thousands a week from home—it’s all bunk. When you are a freelancer you have to find your own work, people aren’t beating down your door. It takes time to make and build successful relationships that will turn into a continued profit. There’s nothing “quick” about it.You Don’t Need to Spend Money on Daycare
Parents might think that working from home is ideal. They can save money on daycare while getting the job done. This entirely depends on how old your children are.I have a friend who owns his own public relations consulting firm. His wife works in communications, too, and they have worked it out that he will work from home on Monday’s to help take care of their new baby. “I knew it would be hard, but I had no idea,” he told me. A baby eats every few hours, needs to have their diapers changed, and sometimes, wants to be held no matter what. It’s hard to work through a crying baby—especially when it’s yours. He’s not getting as much done at home as he thought.
If your children are older, you need to consider their needs, too. Sure, they may nap for a couple of hours a day, giving you time to get down to work, but when they’re awake, they require your attention. Some children require more attention than others. What will you do when you need to have a meeting or an important telephone call? A screaming child in the background is unprofessional.
It’s Not a Real Job
Yeah—tell the federal government that. You pay taxes on every penny you make as a freelancer, and if that doesn’t make it a real business, I don’t know what does.All You’re Doing is Moving Your Job to Your Home
If you are starting a freelance career from a full-time job, don’t think you can just keep your same normal working hours and routine. A large corporation makes your routine for you. You have to show up at a certain time, work with your colleagues, and have a boss you can talk to and champion for you. You have a set number of paid sick days and vacation days. Those disappear when you work from your home.The good news is that you can finally create the schedule that works for you. The hard part is sticking to that schedule when there is no one holding you accountable.
Your Home Life Will Remain Exactly the Same
This is so not true. I found that as a freelancer, I was working more hours and spending less time with my friends, family, and husband.When you are working a full time job and freelancing on the side, as many of us do, it’s taxing on the people who love and count on us. My husband is understanding—to a point. He needs my attention, too, and we have made concessions that we only work until a certain hour and spend a couple nights a week not working in order to spend quality time together.
Sure, freelancing can bring in more money for your family, but it’s not worth it if you don’t take the time to enjoy them. Find out what works for your family and lay down some ground rules. It will benefit them as much as it will benefit you.
Being at Home All Day is Awesome
I am a social person, and being alone in my office all day with no one to talk to besides my Chihuahua can get to me. That’s why I am involved in my community and volunteer outside of my job. I need to bounce ideas off people, socialize, and yes, sometimes complain.The Pearl Academy of Fashion in Jaipur, India
Its a very simple way, used along time before the 20th century, actualy its to systems combined :D, so the first would be USE OF WATER, the good old H2O has the property of absorbing ALOT of HEAT before turning in water vapors. So simple? YESS its realy so simple, just need to make inside pools of water, looks good, can be used as swiming pools whit the apropiat design, and they lower the tempreture LIKE CRAZY. Ohh wait, i sed 2 systems combined? well here is the second: wall then 2-4m free space THEN wall again. So a double wall system, the first wall gets all hot from the sun, but it dose not interact whit the second wall that interacts whit the interior of the building.... same question again SO SIMPLE??
I guess so. I only wish more ppl would stop and think about it abit, specialy the ppl who wane make new homes, or who wane make new buildings, there are alot of ways to lower energy costs, and save alot of money, not spend more saving energy, but it needs time for thinking and planing... So the Idea is energy saving is possible, even whit low costs. The problem is in finding the good solution, but the good news is it can be done.
Hope u all like this article, and have fun.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Economical strategy game ANNO1777
Its not so simple as most of the games out there, u have to think a bit to grow. In Anno1777 u start as a simple worker, and u can do alot of things later on, if u can advance :D, u can even bekome the ruler of a country, or have dosens of companys, or become a war general. Anno1777 follows simple rules of economics. The combination strategy needed to grow in Anno177 is not always as simple as it looks, most ppl try to live a beter life also in the real world and dont find the rite combination of what they need to do, its the same in Anno1777. At the start i posted my Link, if u register under it and pm me in game on bond007, i will even give u a few tips if u get stuck. But remember i give tips in Anno1777 only to those who registerd whit my link. I was thinking first to make a guide about Anno1777 and put it on youtube, but i think it would ruin the fun of the game, if evry1 would just get evrything... and not have to think....
Again i wane say this: Anno1777 is a economical game. How many ppl today do not make huge incomes and at the end of the month dont have money? So i recomend Anno1777 to evry1, becouse u can play and maybe, just maybe also understand how things are in real life, whit what u need to do, if u wane live a beter life.
Pls tell me what u think to, have a nice day and i wish u all good luck.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Angelina Jolies Leg on the Internet
Angelina jolies leg
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
This is my first Post on my blog, hope u all like it, and at the same time its a statement that i wont do any posts or recomandations just to make $ from them, never ever, i have to like it and apreciate it, and then yes u can find it on this blog, that is why u got a link to diablo III on this blog to amazone store where u can buy it from, becouse i believe, becouse of the VERY HIGH DEMAND, the price will be doubled after release, why? there will be to many players for the servers to handel online, so what is the solution? raise price, so fewer buyers but keep same income, its just economics, nothing personal from the game producers, they need profit to stay alive.