Thursday, March 15, 2012

Virtconomics I recommend becouse I like Virtconomics

The time has come at last to give out a new recomendation, i played the game for more then 2 weeks and i like it, so now i consider its worth giving it a recommendation, becouse i like virtconomics.. Anno1777 is a game i recomended before, on the right u can find the post about it and if u forgot here is the link:
Now virtconomics is very similer to Anno1777 but its not identical, there are a few difrent features. The style is more buisiness I would say. 1 of the big difrences u all will like i think is, like the most of the games out there it requires only email activation of acount. 7 Anno1777also made u send a sms in europe, that means 10 cent...
It was to keep Persons from making 100 acounts....
Here is also only 1 acount allowed for 1 person allowed. I play both games, but I will also rite a small startupguild here in this post about Virtconomics. WHY?? well i wane be nice and offer u a good start and maybe u will register whit this link:
So lets get down to it. In Virtconomics u need to make money. To keep that money, u have to check if what u buy will bring u more money then u payed for it. It sounds so simple but its not. Best think u can do is, EACH DAY to work. That is best think u can do, but it has to be each day, and the recompensation for that will come in a few weeks. Of course u get some cash each time, but the real bonus comes couse u grow ur economical score. So besicly here is the text discription: The shown salary is the one you are able to get after a day of work having the maximum productivity (100). The productivity is calculated using the economical score and the influence. The economical score is increasing by 2 points after every day of work and is decreasing daily by 1 point.The corection to this is: u will see the salary for 1h there in the game, u work 8h, so u will get 8x wage x Productivity%. U wane raise ur Productivity so u get more money each time u work. To raise the influence read the FAQ of the game, it tell u how u can do that very clearly. So beside working at the begining if u got the time, there is 1 mor thing u can do that will bring u alot more money then working at the begining, but dont forget work each day so that u will raise economical score for later on. What u do is, search for the cheapest way to raise ur energy and so u will raise ur Influence.... AND THEN u go to Meetings. For a meeting u choose a person u want to meet whit from the list. Choose 1 that is at least 20h not loged in acount, if u choose 1 month not loged in acount its cool to. Why? u need to be shure u got more Influence then him, and then u win the meeting, and u get money from the state. So this is how u can make alot of money at the start. For example i can buy food for 5E the cheapest, it raises my influence and i get 2.7E from the meeting that i win. The food gives me enuff influence to win like 5 meetings or so..... After each meeting ur influence drops a bit, so at the second meeting i will only be geting 2.6E but its still enuff rite? A meeting also takes time, during which u can not work or go on a nothere meeting, 
the time is 20 til 35min depending on ur Influence. U need to find out how much food costs in ur contry, if u can make a profit going to meetings after eating food... and then start saving... after a few weeks u can pm me in game if u still need tips. My game nick is: bond007  .

Hope u all liked this, and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. 3 jocuri la fel care te platesc in bani reali,incercati,merita,cine cunoaste stie
