Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Game reviewers say Diablo 3 will not be as good as aspected! I persnonaly think it will be incredible, its has alot of fantastic features. The real problem is whit the expectations, evry1 has very high expectations, but what dose that realy mean in game play? most ppl didnt stop to realy think it over what they want from a game they play, to be a game where u have to think a bit? to be easy to use? to have good graphics? to have a no lag? online comunity features? and to think thease are only a few questions, best is i think if each game player thinks what questions are important for him. For me, i like good graphics but to much is not good, i dont have the newst and the best pc so that it could handel them, so also a low graphic option is important for me, Diablo 3 has that. Then what u might be interested in is how many players are on ur screen at one time and how lagy it can get, a nothere point for diablo 3 here from me, it has alot of classes, and options for them, so it gets 1 more point for that, a new question would be, i am a player that plays alot of time hes favorit game, will i be able to make some incredible items playing it? and the anser is yes, even if not shown in the beta tests of diablo 3 till now, the item refining system will be quiet impresiv, or at least so says the producer, well at this stage i believe him, so 1 more point here from me, i like about a online game to be popular, why? couse i like to play whit millions of othere players, i think diablo get from 1 possible point here 2 points? how? well EVRY1 is talking about it, or at least all the gamers, that is where all the high expectations come from. There are alot more to say about Diablo III, could talk about it for days, but i think most gamers are like me and are tired after reeding so much i wrote till now.
This is my first Post on my blog, hope u all like it, and at the same time its a statement that i wont do any posts or recomandations just to make $ from them, never ever, i have to like it and apreciate it, and then yes u can find it on this blog, that is why u got a link to diablo III on this blog to amazone store where u can buy it from, becouse i believe, becouse of the VERY HIGH DEMAND, the price will be doubled after release, why? there will be to many players for the servers to handel online, so what is the solution? raise price, so fewer buyers but keep same income, its just economics, nothing personal from the game producers, they need profit to stay alive.